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7) Dr. B receives funding of $1,559,686 with PI Dr. Pingen Chen, from US Department of Energy to develop a rural EV testbed to demonstrate and evaluate the applications of EVs over a diverse range of activities serving a rural and largely economically depressed Upper Cumberland region in TN.
6)Michael Girard and Evan Kixmiller joined SOLBAT-TTU Energy Research Laboratory as NSF-REU researchers. Welcome Mike and Evan!
5) Dr. B is tenured and promoted to Associate Professor.
4) Dr. B receives funding of $89,000 from Tennessee Valley Authority to perform research in sodium ion batteries. 
3) Muhammad's paper,“Comparative Analysis of Magnetic Materials, Coil Structures and Shielding Materials for Efficient Wireless Power Transfer”, has been accepted in 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Signal and Power Integrity, July 22-26, 2019, New Orleans, LA, USA. Congratulations Muhammad. 
2) Dev wins Research and Creative Inquiry, Best Ph.D. research award for Electrical and Computer Engineering, Congratulations Dev!
1) Dev wins Doctor of Philosophy best paper award, Congratulations Dev!
10) Jacob has defended his Masters thesis successfully. Congratulations Jacob! 
9) Miguel has defended his Masters thesis successfully. Congratulations Miguel!
8) Bibek has defended his Ph.D. dissertation successfully. Congratulations Dr. Tiwari! He is the first Ph.D. from the SOLBAT-TTU Energy Research Laboratory.
7) Our paper, "State of Charge Estimation of Sodium Ion Battery under different Operating Conditions”, has been accepted in 2018 IEEE Green Energy and Smart Systems Conference (IGESSC), Long Beach, CA, October 29-30, 2018.
6) Muhammad Bima joins SOLBAT-TTU Energy Research Lab as a Ph.D. student. Welcome Muhammad.
5) Ryan Rippeon, Christian Brady Alvarez and Samuel Griffin join SOLBAT-TTU Energy Research Lab to perform NSF-REU research. Welcome guys!
4) Bibek wins the first prize award for his research poster on the 2018 Research and Creative Inquiry Day at Tennessee Tech University. Congratulations Bibek!
3) Our paper,"Layered P2- type novel Na0.7Ni0.3Mn0.59Co0.1Cu0.01O2 cathode material for high-capacity & stable rechargeable sodium ion battery", has been accepted in Electrochimica Acta Journal. 
2) Dr. B receives National Science Foundation REU Grant, 'Immersive Research in Energy Generation, Storage/Conversion and Power Transmission', as a Principal Investigator.  Total amount $321,750 for the years 2018-2021. 
1) Our paper, "Decoupled control of wireless eliminating the interdependence of load resistance and coupling to achieve a simple control framework with fast response times",  has been accepted in International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems.
8) Dev has published a journal paper titled,"Studies on spinel cobaltites, MCo2O4 (M=Mn, Zn, Fe, Ni and Co) and their functional properties", in Ceramics International, Volume 44, Issue 5, 1 April 2018, Pages 4630-4639. 
7) Devendrasinh joins the SOLBAT-TTU Energy Research Lab. Welcome Dev.
6) Our paper "Effective Energy Management of Hybrid AC-DC Microgrids with Storage Devices", has been published in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.
5) Dr. B receives funding from prestigious National Science Foundation to perform research in perovskite heterojunction solar cells. Thanks NSF.
4) Jesse presented his Solar MPPT research in 44th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Washington DC, June 25-30, 2017.
3) Rani presented her Lithium-ion Battery research in 231st ECS Meeting , May 28-June 2, 2017, New Orleans, LA.
2) Jesse defends his Master's thesis successfully. Congratulations Jesse!
1) Micah joins the SOLBAT-TTU Energy Research Lab. Welcome Micah.
16) Miguel joins the SOLBAT-TTU Energy Research Lab. Welcome Miguel.
15) Our paper titled,"Novel High Efficiency Quadruple Junction Solar Cell with Current Matching and Quantum Efficiency Simulations" has been accepted in the Solar Energy Journal.
14) Jobayer defended his Master's thesis successfully. Congratulations Jobayer!
13)Jagadish defended his Master's thesis successfully. Congratulations Jagadish!
12) Jagadish and Dr. B attended 18th International Meeting on Lithium Batteries, Chicago, Il, June 19-24.
11) Our paper titled,"GaP/InGaAs/InGaSb Triple Junction Current Matched Photovoltaic Cell with Optimized Thickness and Quantum Efficiency " has been accepted in the Solar Energy Journal.
10) Jobayer, Jesse and Dr. B attended IEEEPVSC43 in Portland, OR.
9) Dr. B receives Faculty Research Grant for the year 2016-2017.
8) Jesse's paper has been accepted in 43rd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, June 5-10, Portland, OR. 
7) Jobayer's paper has been accepted in 43rd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, June 5-10, Portland, OR. 
6) Michael Lee receives summer internship opportunity at ORNL. Congratulations!
5) Ian and Michael Lee receives the Undergraduate Research Award from TTU. Congratulations!
4) Ian receives summer internship opportunities from NASA and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).
3) Ian receives Renaissance Engineering Award from College of Engineering. Congratulations Ian! 
2) Behnaz joins the research lab as a Ph.D. student. Welcome Behnaz.
1) Dr. B, Ian and Michael receives URECA grant from TTU.
5) Raja defends his Master's thesis successfully. Congratulations Raja!
4) Adam joins National Instruments in Austin, TX. Congratulations Adam!
4) Rani joins the SOLBAT-TTU Energy Research Lab. Welcome Rani.
3) Bibek, Raja and Dr. B presents their papers in the 42nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference in New Orleans, LA. 
2) Dr. B receives FSU Innovators Award for his multijunction solar cell designs on April 14, 2015 presented by Florida State University of Research Division.
1) Jobayer joins the SOLBAT-TTU Energy Research Lab. Welcome Jobayer.
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