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Ph.D. Students:

Devendrasinh Darbar

Devendrasinh has completed his Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Gujarat Technological University, Gujarat, India and Master of Technology in Energy and Environmental Engineering from Vellore Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu, India.  He did internships at International Thermonuclear Emission Reactor (ITER-India, 2012), Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-India (BSNL, 2011) and Gujarat Energy Research and Management Institute-India (GERMI, 2014). He completed  his Master's thesis at National University of Singapore, Singapore, under the guidance of Prof. Seeram Ramakrishnan (NUS, Singapore), Dr M. V. Reddy (NUS, Singapore) and Dr. R.Pattabiraman (VIT University, India). His thesis involved the studied of Anodic Performances of Li-ion battery via electrospinning technique. He also worked as a Senior Research Fellow in GERMI-India.

Mr. Devendrasinh Darbar is pursuing his Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in the Electrical and Computer Department at Tennessee Technological University. He joined SOLBATT-TTU Energy Research Laboratory in August 2017. His research interests are synthesis of high energy density anode material for Sodium and Lithium ion batteries. Further, he is also working on modelling of transport mechanism for Sodium-ion battery. He has published 3 peer reviewed journal papers.


Muhammad Bima


Bima Muhammad Enagi received his Bachelor of Engineering degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria in 2009. He proceeded to pursue a Masters degree in Communication Engineering at the University of Manchester, United Kingdom. This he completed in 2011. His dissertation involved the implementation of a Software Defined Radio.

He started his PhD at Tennessee Technological University in 2017 and was initially working with the Network Security research group on Privacy and Security in smart grid network and autonomous vehicles. He published a book chapter on privacy preservation of electric vehicle dynamic charging system.  

Muhammad joined the SOLBAT-TTU Energy Research Laboratory in 2018 where he is currently working on developing a Wireless Power Transfer System. This research is directed towards developing and building a wireless charging system that can intelligently adapt to changing conditions in order to deliver maximum power to an electric vehicle. The system is also intended to be able to discern between authorized and unauthorized electric vehicles. Power should be delivered to authorized electric vehicle while preventing energy theft by unauthorized vehicles.


Master's Students:



Micah D. Rentschler

Micah D. Rentschler is a Master’s Student at Tennessee Technological University. He completed his Associate Degree at Columbia State Community College and then entered Tennessee Tech to earn his Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering. After graduation in 2012, he when to work for the automated machine building industry in Cookeville Tennessee. Five years later, he came back to Tennessee Tech to continue school in pursuit of a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering. His interests range from artificial intelligence to wireless power transfer. Currently, he is researching high efficiency multi-junction solar cells. Micah is blessed with a wife and three children.




1) Bibek Tiwari

Ph.D Dissertation: Synthesis of High Capacity P2-Type Layered Transition Metal Oxide Cathode for Sodium Ion Batteries & Developing Algorithms for Accurate State of Charge and State of Health Estimation .

Graduation: Fall 2018

Employment: Battery Company in California, LG Electronics. 

6) Jacob Fesmire


MS Thesis: An Application of Neuro-Fuzzy Algorithmic Modeling for
State-of-Charge and State-of-Health
 Estimation for Sodium-ion Batteries.

Graduation: Fall 2018

Employment: Tennessee Valley Authority. 

5) Miguel Lastres

MS Thesis: Nickel Doped P2-type Novel Sodium Iron Manganese Oxide
Cathode Material for High-Capacity Sodium-ion Batteries.

Graduation: Fall 2018

Employment: Bridgestone, Nashville. 

4) Jesse Roberts

MS Thesis: MNFIS+, A better hybrid heuristic maximum power point tracker.

Graduation: Spring 2017

Employment: Automation and Tool Company, Pursuing Ph.D. 

3) Jobayer Hossain

MS Thesis: Novel high-efficiency quadruple junction solar cell with current matching and optimized quantum efficiency.

Graduation: Summer 2016

Employment: Research Fellow, CREOL, Orlando, Florida

2) Jagadish Babu Sirigineedi

MS Thesis: Enhanced electrochemical properties of aluminum doped lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) cathode material for li-ion battery using solid state synthesis.

Graduation: Summer 2016

Employment: Cummins Corp., Columbus, Indiana

1) Raja A. Penumaka

MS Thesis: Design, modeling and simulation of ultra high efficient inverted metamorphic III-V multijunction solar cells.

Graduation: Fall 2015

Employment: Genesco, Nashville, Tennessee

NSF-REU Researchers:

Michael Girard

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Christian Brady Alvarez

Ryan V. Rippeon

Stephanie Sandoval


Gera Groshev

Undergraduate Researchers:




Riley T McBee


Youssef T. Dauod

Hannah Deen


Fahmi T Hashi

Landon Crawford

Timothy McGovern

Brady T Allred

Andrew Henseley

Conner Copeland

Chadwick A Beard

Michael A Sain

Dynetics, AL

Ian Gwaltney

Dynetics, AL

Michael Lee Turnbill

Adam Stegemann

 National Instruments, TX

High School Students:

1) Ethan George


Evan Kixmiller

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