SOLBAT-TTU Energy Research Laboratory
We are grateful to the following sponsors for funding our research endeavors:

(1) National Science Foundation, “IUSE/EHR: Improving Undergraduate Success through Effective Critical Thinking (iUSE-CT)”, Total amount $298,284, Role: Co-Principal Investigator, 2021-2024.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Department of Energy, ​Investigating Early Transition Metal Dopant Effects in Cobalt Free Lithium ion Batteries, Total Amount $85,000, Role: Principal Investigator, 2019-2021.
(2) US Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, "Developing an EV Demonstration Testbed in the Upper Cumberland Region of Tennessee, an Economy Distressed Rural Region", Total amount $1,559,686, Role: Co-Principal Investigator.
(3) Tennessee Valley Authority, “High-Energy Density Sodium Ion Batteries for Grid Level Energy Storage’, Total amount $89,000year, Role: Principal Investigator. 2019-2021.
(4) National Science Foundation REU Site: Immersive Research in Energy Generation, Storage/Conversion and Power Transmission, Total amount $321,750, Role: Principal Investigator, 2018-2022.